Corporate commitments

Symbiotics impact management process is aligned with the Operating Principles for Impact Management

July 22, 2021

Symbiotics completed on 30 June 2021 its first independent verification demonstrating that its impact management process is aligned with the Operating Principles for Impact Management. The verification was conducted by Tameo Impact Fund Solutions.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched the Operating Principles for Impact Management in April 2019. The Impact Principles were developed in collaboration with industry leaders and other stakeholders to provide a framework for investors and ensure that impact considerations are purposefully integrated throughout the investment life cycle.

“The independent verification of our alignment to the Impact Principles is a step towards increasing accountability and standardization in impact investing. We are happy to be part of this joint effort, confirming our commitment to the highest standards in the industry.”, said John Staehli, Head of Information, Communication & Technology at Symbiotics.
As stated in the Disclosure Statement, Symbiotics will regularly arrange for an independent verification every three years.

Link to Symbiotics IFC OPIM Disclosure Statement – August 2020
Link to Symbiotics OPIM Verification Statement – June 2021