Symbiotics obtained the B Corp Certification on 22 March 2021, joining a global community of companies assessed on the highest standards of social and environmental performance and ethical business practices. The B Corp Certification looked at every aspect of our business, covering five key B Corp Impact areas:
  • Governance
  • Workers
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Customers
Symbiotics is renewing its B Corp Certification in 2024.

Based on the B Impact assessment, Symbiotics Group SA earned an overall score of


The result of the B Impact Assessment has provided an important benchmark for Symbiotics, a path to further improve certain areas and take specific actions.

As a result of the B Corp Certification Symbiotics has also modified its bylaws to reiterate its already-established commitment to purpose beyond financial profit as a benefit corporation status.

We strive to make impact investing a real force for achieving sustainability goals. This certification demonstrates that Symbiotics is on the right path, pushing money to where it doesn’t normally flow. We are very happy to join a strong and growing community of B Corps® certified companies and hope to be an example for other companies to follow.”

Roland Dominicé, Managing Director of Symbiotics Group

What is B Corp?

Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies verified by B Lab to meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

What is B Lab?

B Lab is the nonprofit network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. B Lab creates standards, policies, tools, and programs that shift the behavior, culture, and structure of capitalism. They mobilize the global B Corp community towards collective action to address society’s most critical challenges, and they collaborate with governments, academia, coalitions, and other institutions to drive economic systems change.