Corporate news

Steady growth of talent recruitment

February 8, 2017

With the strengthening of several of the company’s key partnerships, and its investors’ growing interest in themes beyond microfinance, Symbiotics hired over 25 professionals reaching a total headcount of 96 staff at the end of 2016 and we expect this to continue in 2017.

Duc Nguyen, Symbiotics Head of Human Resources, comments: “This recent talent acquisition is an expression of the company’s desire to build up and manage talent in the area of sustainable finance and impact investing. As we grow beyond microfinance, we are looking for people with expertise and talent to help contribute to the general effort of developing these new areas of business and to support our business growth across the regions. In addition, we plan offer training and development to our team members to strengthen their technical knowledge as well as soft skills which are important for their career development.”

Moreover, Symbiotics’ staff based in Singapore and covering the South and East Asia (excluding Central Asia) region, moved to a larger office space in order to accommodate a growing number of team members.  As of end December 2016, their 6 team members were working with 44 financial institutions and channeling USD 370 million U.S. Dollars of investments to 7 countries in what is today Symbiotics’ second largest region of investments.

About Symbiotics
Symbiotics, incorporated in 2004 in Geneva, is an investment company specialized in emerging, sustainable and inclusive finance which offers market research, investment advisory and asset management services. It is an asset manager of collective investment schemes regulated by FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority and has an advisory license from the FCA, the Financial Conduct Authority, through its subsidiary in the UK. The company is headquartered in Geneva, with offices in Cape Town, London, Zurich, Mexico City and Singapore with a staff of over eighty professionals. Since 2004, Symbiotics has invested over USD 3.3 billion in more than 300 microfinance institutions in 60 emerging countries, working with more than 30 investment funds and many institutional investors.

For media inquiries and more information:

Claire Dorey
Communication Manager
Tel: + 41 22 338 15 70